Monday, November 10, 2008

I hate car rides :(

So Saturday I had to be in Jacksonville. As part of my business I do local conferences and expos. We were at a Green Expo Saturday, and what would normally have been about a 3 hour ride turned in to the worst 4.5 hours of Hermione's life thus far. First, about an hour from home it started to rain. All my stock was in the back of the truck, and even though it was in rubbermaids and plastic drawers I was worried things might get wet. So a quick swing in to Target got me a tarp to put over everything. Of course by the time I got it on she was awake and screaming in the backseat. After a 10 minute snuggle we were on the road again! Fast forward and hour to a rest stop on I-10 where my mother (and business partner) needed a bathroom break. Hurry mom, the baby is still sleeping. HA! No such thing as hurrying my mom in the bathroom. Hermione woke up 8 minutes before my mom was event back to the car. Ok, out of the seat to nurse, into the bathroom for a MUCH needed diaper, back for more nursing, and 30 minutes later we are on the road again. This time she refused to go back to sleep and the fussing in the carseat began. I hung toys, I shook toys, I shook her carseat, I rubbed her head, NOTHING would work she was DONE with the seat. No where to get off on the interstate so we just kept going. We got in to Jax and I began to feel like it would be ok, we were afterall, almost there. Suddenly flashing red lights in front of us. The police had all three lanes of Arlington Rd. blocked off right before the bridge. Why you ask? SO that over 200 motorcycles could have the road for some kind of parade or special ride. Ugh, we sat in the car for 20 minutes while they all went by and by then she was in rare form. It was breaking my heart, she just sounded so awful, and still we couldn't get off the road till we got over the bridge because of all the backed up traffic. We finally pulled in to the mall parking lot and I ran to get her out. It was awful! SHe had spent herself screaming and just looked so dejected. I got her out, and nursed her and snuggled her, I was almost i tears myself. I felt like the worst mother ever for letting my child suffer that way (my mom isn't much help, she doesn't exactly approve of AP parenting and think crying is good for them). At that point I didn't care if we ever got to the expo, we were already late anyway. But we did get there, finally, and Hermione spent the rest of the day snuggled against me in her Moby wrap 9I could NOT survive without that thing!) where she looked around, slept, ate, and in general seemed pretty happy. I think she forgave me for the awful ride, now I just have to forgive myself.

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