Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Though many people wouldn't believe it my four month has already said her first word. She says 'MaMa" and she using it appropriately to get my attention and demand things. I am also beginning to suspect that she is saying"baba" as I woke up to a littany of "Mama baba, Mama baba" this morning which ended as soon as I put her in the nursing position. I'm prejusiced of course, but she is amazing.

So today I began using sign language with her. I started off with the sign for milk, and she intently watches me and tries to move her fingers. We don't have success yet, but it's a start.

In other news, Hermione rolled over ofr the first time today. Well the first time from her back to her stomach. She has been rolling to her side since she was three days old, and rolled from her tummy to back at 5.5 weeks (though she hasn't done that consistently). We'll see how often she decides to roll now. Mobility is fast approaching, I just can't decide if I'm happy or trepidatious.


Jeff Tabor said...
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Jeff Tabor said...

You are probably both happy and worried! Life is going to be much more interesting for everyone...